Capital Campaign:
Fortifying our Foundation for the Future
GOAL: $300,000.00
In 2021, the Congregation appointed a Long Range Planning Committee to survey and implement a Capital Campaign to repair, replace, or purchase new items for our church building and grounds that you would like considered for at least the next 10 years. The Committee surveyed the membership to identify the Top 10 Projects totaling $300,000.00:
- Sanctuary – Ceiling and Walls Painted and Repaired (projected cost: $11,000.00)
- Air Conditioner Replacement or Repairs (projected cost: $70,000.00-$100,000.00)
- Tower Parapets Tucking Pointing and Roof Repairs (projected cost: $30,000.00-$50,000.00)
- Baby Closet Expansion (projected cost: $750.00-$1,000.00)
- Nursery – Monitor Improvement in Sound and Picture (projected cost: $150.00-$200.00)
- Parking Lot (North) & Sidewalks – replaced with concrete (projected cost: $50,000.00-$60,000.00)
- Roof Access including ladder (projected cost: $4,000.00-$5,000.00)
- Fellowship Hall – decorating, sound/noise reduction, and projection (projected cost: $2,000.00-$4,000.00)
- Park Lot (West Lot) – sealed and restriped (projected cost: $10,000.00-$15,000.00)
- Office Windows – replace five new modern energy-efficient windows (projected cost: $4,000.00-$8,000.00)
Mission Project Tithe – The church is committed to tithing (giving 10%) of donations to God’s work beyond our walls. WSBC pledges a total of $10,000.00 to each of the following:
- Local Mission Partners such as Doorstep Inc., Habitat for Humanity Topeka, Harvesters Community Food Network, Let’s Help, and work in the Topeka / Shawnee County area.
- National and Regional Partners for works of evangelism, campus ministries, and mercy ministries of compassion in Kansas and Oklahoma, the United States, and Puerto Rico
- International Ministries for cross-cultural work to invite people to become disciples of Jesus Christ and to proclaim, through both word and deed, God’s reign of justice, peace and abundant life for all creation (https://www.internationalministries.org).