From the Senior Minister – Congratulations!
Congratulations on the announcement of your engagement! I hope that your wedding and your marriage will be everything you imagine: uplifting, encouraging, enriching, and fulfilling all of your hopes and dreams.
On behalf of West Side Baptist Church, let me express my sincere joy that you have decided to get married. I encourage you to be married in your home Church, if possible. If this is not possible or desirable, I would be glad to officiate your wedding ceremony as a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I invite you to become actively involved in our congregation as your wedding day approaches.
As you may know, Christians consider the Covenant of Christian Marriage to be a serious and special bond – a holy institution – created by God between one man and one woman to enter into for a lifetime of unconditional-love (1 Corinthians 13:1-12; Ephesians 4:2-3, 4:32; 1 Peter 4:8; 1 John 4:7-8), mutual-help (Genesis 1:27-28), protective-strength (Ecclesiastes 4:12), fidelity (Mark 10:9), and personal fulfillment (Ecclesiastes 9:9; 1 Corinthians 7:5). God commands: “Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral” (Hebrews 13:4). Therefore, the covenant of Christian marriage should not be entered into light-heartedly, irreverently, or unadvisedly (see What We Believe).

We are here to help you not only have a wonderful wedding day but to strive for a rich and rewarding marriage which we hope will last a lifetime. We are pleased that we can play a part in this special time for you.
I will want to meet with you at least once to schedule a premarital consultation and to set the date for your service. This is important for several reasons: First, it will give us an opportunity to get to know one another, which will make the wedding ceremony more personal. Second, the meetings will enable us to discuss issues that will play a central role in your marriage – common values, hopes and dreams, children, religious background, communication styles and spiritual convictions. Third, the sessions will enable us to talk about marriage in general and your wedding ceremony.
I generally do not reserve the date of the service on the Church calendar until after my first meeting with the couple. Please call the Church Office at (785) 233-4241 to schedule your first appointment. You should call three to six months before your intended wedding date.
I look forward to meeting with you very soon. Please call if you have any questions or need further guidance. My desire is to assist you in making this special day as Christ centered, God honoring and memorable as possible.
The Reverend Ivan E. Greuter M.A., M.Div., D.Min.
Senior Minister
West Side Baptist Church does not rent its building or property for community use.

The building and property of West Side Baptist Church is dedicated to the glory of God and the service of His Kingdom.
It is available to the Church’s members and the community for worship, study and significant occasions. The booklet below is intended to give you all the information necessary to make your wedding a meaningful celebration, and assist you that the wedding and surrounding tasks run smoothly. In order to provide guidance for the celebration of marriage, the following policies and procedures have been adopted by the Council of Ministry of this Church, along with some general guidelines on Church etiquette for wedding services.
The Bride and Groom are responsible for insuring that all policies and procedures are followed by the wedding party, family, friends and guests. Violation of the policies and procedures of the church may result in the cancellation of the celebration without notice, liability, reimbursement or legal recourse.
Private Property for Religious Use: West Side Baptist Church does not rent its building or property for community use.
The use of the Church’s building and property is offered gratis (free of charge) to persons or groups who wish to fulfill the original intent of the congregation and are approved by the Council of Ministries. Nothing in this webpage or policy manual should be interpreted to convey a legal contract, a rental agreement, a binding lease, or legal advice.
Persons and groups using the Church building and property for Christian weddings must meet the following requirements:
- The couple agrees to comply with the traditional teachings and practices of the Baptist faith (see What We Believe).
- The couple engages in premarital consultation.
- The couple must sign the Declaration of Intent (see below).
- The couple is married by the Senior Minister of this congregation.
- The couple complies with the policies and practices of the church (see below).
The Ordained Clergy reserve the right not to perform a service for any reason without prior notification, ramifications, refunds, or legal recourse.

Couples wishing to have a free, simple wedding service are encouraged to hold their ceremony in the Sanctuary. A free, simple service is limited to two witnesses, no rehearsal, no extended time for photographers, and fewer than fifty guests.
The ceremony is limited to the spoken rite with no special music (e.g., solos, songs, etc.).
Couples should speak with the Ordained Clergy to request a free, simple service.
The Ordained Clergy reserve the right not to perform a service for any reason without prior notification, ramifications, refunds, or legal recourse.
Couples considering celebrating the Covenant of Christian Marriage at our church are encouraged to enroll in the Prepare/Enrich Program offered by our certified pastoral leaders.
Prepare/Enrich is the #1 premarital and marriage assessment tool, using evidence-based skills and insights to foster healthy relationships. Contact the Church Office to schedule an appointment.
Couples wishing to engage in Premarital Counseling should contact a trained Licensed Professional Counselors (LPCs) and Licensed Clinical Professional Counselors (LCPCs) in the State of Kansas.