Our Leaders


The Congregation calls and elects leaders to govern the church’s day-to-day operations, known as the Church Council (see Constitution and Bylaws). The current leaders of the Church Council are:


West Side Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas, is an autonomous, ecclesiastically sovereign, independent congregation practicing the Christian faith under the Lord of Jesus Christ in and through the active members of the congregation (Congregationalist polity) using the Bible as our all-sufficient and only authoritative Word of God.

The governing documents of the Church are recorded in the Constitution and Bylaws.


The Diaconate shall consist of all Deacons (Greek, diákonos, “servants”), both male and female, called and elected by the Congregation from its m membership to serve in ministries of compassion, spiritual care, and justice in the congregation and neighborhood. The Deacons shall discern and share the needs, hopes, and concerns of the world with the Congregation, and call the Church to respond in faith and charity. The Deacons are to ensure that the concerns and needs of the vulnerable, marginalized, suffering, homeless, oppressed, poor, and elderly are heard.

The Deacons shall assist the Minister in public worship (e.g., preparing the worship space, reading aloud the Gospel, assisting with the ordinance of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, presiding at prayer meetings), with visitation and care, with funerals and grief ministries, with the administer of benevolent funds, and carrying out other duties as assigned and agreed upon by the Minister.

Deacon Laurie Dewey
Community Chaplain & Lay Minister

Greetings everyone! I wish to let you know that I provide spiritual and clinical pastoral care that is available to anyone. We all struggle with life in this world, where we are, but not of it. There is no topic that I will deny. This is a private and confidential service that the church provides me to listen to you with a compassionate and loving ear. If you or someone you know is struggling with their spirituality, please come by my office or set an appointment day and time with me. I am available after church on Sundays. We are to help carry the burdens of others. Allow me to come alongside you in your struggle. Remember, you are never alone!
With Christ’s Love, Deacon Laurie Dewey

OFFICE HOURS: 12:00 to 4:00 pm on Wednesdays.

Deacon Traci Brown, Hospital and Veterans Chaplain and Lay Minister
Deacon Sonia Rolling, Recovery Ministers Chaplain and Lay Minister