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“Jesus is the Savior of the Nations”
As the season of winter wraps us in its beauty, let’s come together to warm our hearts in worship and fellowship.
Sundays @ 10:30 AM
West Side Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas
1008 SW 4th St., Topeka KS 66604
Whether you’re seeking peace, joy, or a renewed sense of purpose, you’ll find a welcoming community and the hope of Christ here. Let’s celebrate the season with inspiring messages, heartfelt worship, and the love of God that never changes.
Bring your family, friends, and neighbors – everyone is welcome! Let’s make this winter a season to remember.
We can’t wait to see you there!
Warm blessings,
Pastor Ivan+
#Jesus #Faith #Worship #WinterWorship #Fellowship #YouAreInvited #Love
Register Your Attendance by completing a CONNECTION CARD ONLINE

When attending a worship service, you can generally expect a combination of elements including:
- PEOPLE to GREET YOU – We’re friendly and we’re friends, so we shake hands, give hugs, and show we care about you and your family!
- PIANO and ORGAN MUSIC for Contemplation, Congregational Singing, and Personal Reflection.
- FAMILIAR MUSIC and CONTEMPORARY SONGS – We sing traditional hymns, Gospel songs, and Praise songs.
- PRAYERS – We pray together, share praises and petitions, quietly reflection, silence, and recite The Lord’s Prayer.
- BIBLE READINGS – Volunteers read from the Holy Bible every service from the Revised Common Lectionary (
- SERMONS – An engaging, well-organized, thought-provoking teaching from the Bible that shares the Good News of Jesus Christ and connects God’s Word to the everyday lives of God’s people.
- OFFERINGS – A invitation to freely give a donation to God for the Church’s programs, disaster relief, and mission work.
- ORDINANCES – Baptisms and Holy Communion (The Lord’s Supper( on the First Sunday and Special Days.
- INVITATION TO FAITH & FELLOWSHIP: An invitation to respond to God’s Work in Your Life by the Holy Spirit
- A BLESSING – A short spoken prayer or final word of encourage that asks God to be good to your and your family. !
All designed to focus on Praising, Hearing, and Connecting with God!
10:30 AM WORSHIP – The worship service is a casual celebration that weaves together historical elements of traditional worship with various styles of familiar music (e.g., classic hymns, top 100 contemporary songs, gospel songs, and spirituals) to create a service where people are invited to:
Renew Your Connect with God and Others in Trusted and Meaningful Ways.
Hear Heartfelt, Relevant, Simple Teaching from the Bible.
Practice Everyday Advice to help You Flourish.
Experience the Christian Story as Your Faith Story!
Enjoy Uplifting Songs of Praise to God.
Deep Authentic Faith and Invitations to Community Service
Worship leaders draw together elements from ancient biblical worship (for example, confessions, lectionary scriptures, litanies, responsive readings, unison prayers), the Reformed tradition – particularly the Protestant Reformation and Evangelical Renewal Movement – in an atmosphere of casual dress and relaxed customs.
HOLY ORDINANCES – We celebrate two sacred acts ordered by Jesus Christ:
BELIEVER’S BAPTISM – Believer’s Baptism is the immersion of a person in the water – regardless of age – who receives Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and publicly professes faith to walk the Jesus way. The Council schedules baptisms on Sunday mornings throughout the year. Believers may be baptized in the church baptistry, in the river, a swimming pool, a pond, or a lake. Please contact the Minister if you would like to be baptized or come to the front of the Sanctuary during the last song in a worship service.
THE LORD’S SUPPER – The Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month and on special occasions. We practice Open Communion, which means all persons of faith, regardless of age, race, gender, membership, denominational affiliation, or church tradition, are welcome to partake of the Table of the Lord. In solidarity with our struggling brothers and sisters, we use only non-alcoholic grape juice. Please hold each element until everyone is served. Then, we will feast together. Gluten-free wafers are available upon request.
Call the Church Office to speak with the Minister if you have concerns or questions or would like to schedule an appointment.