We’re about one thing – being fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ!
GOOD NEWS! God loves you and wants to rescue all people from the consequences of evil. The Bible teaches the way to become a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ:
- ADMIT – Admit to God you have done wrong things (sinned) which have hurt God and others. Apologize to God and turn away from harmful behavior and start doing good things (See Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23; 1 John 1:9; Acts 3:19).
- BELIEVE JESUS CHRIST DIED FOR YOU AND GOD HAS RAISED HIM FROM THE DEAD – Accept and trust that Jesus is God’s one and only Son who died on the cross in your place and give God the credit for raising Jesus from the dead (See Romans 5:8; Acts 4:12; Acts 16:31a; John 3:16; 1 Peter 3:18; John 14:6).
- CONFESS JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR LORD – Make a religious commitment to be a fully devoted follower of Jesus by trusting Him to be your Rescuer and Redeemer (Savior) and Ultimate Leader (Lord). (See Romans 10:9 and 10; Romans 10:13; Matthew 16:24; Luke 9:23)
- DEDICATE YOUR LIFE TO THE JESUS WAY – Tell your family and friends about your new trust in Jesus Christ by coming to the front of the Sanctuary at the end of a worship service to publicly share your decision to be a follower of Jesus (Christian).
HOW TO JOIN THIS CHRISTIAN CHURCH – Any person professing faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and accepting the Baptist principles, practices, and the covenant of this church, may join this Christian church. Persons interested in affiliating should speak with the Pastor. You may join by:
- Believer’s Baptism
- Letter of Transfer from a previous Christian church with prior baptism, or a
- Satisfactory Statement of Christian Faith
Updated: January 12, 2025.