Jesus Loves Children…and We Love Children Too!
We want children in worship – calm and quiet, noisy and messy – we want them all! To help make worship a meaningful experience for children and parents, we provide the following:
- CHILDREN’S ACTIVITY BAGS AND BULLETINS – We are glad to have children in worship! Activity bags filled with coloring pages, crayons, and other items are available for preschool and elementary-aged children near the sanctuary door. Enjoy the kits and children’s bulletins. Please take home your artwork. Place the packets on the front pew after the worship service so we can restock them.
- CHILDREN’S CHURCH – Kids in 2nd Grade and younger are invited to the front of the sanctuary for a children’s moment with Pastor Ivan or a lay leader. A simple object lesson is taught from the Bible. Children are then dismissed to Children’s Church with trained leaders guiding a child-friendly time of worship and study from the Bible. Children return to the sanctuary at the end of the worship service. Older children (3rd Grade and Up) are encouraged to sit with their family and friends during the service.
- NURSERY CARE – Nursery Care is lovingly provided for all children – newborns through age 4 – by qualified staff from 9:00 AM through 12:00 noon.