Learn about the Lord, God’s Holy Word (the Bible), Christian spirituality and practices, and how to serve others with other children, youth, and adults who want to grow in their faith and love of Jesus. Sunday school classes are offered year-round at 9:15 am. A light breakfast is often served for free.
Classes are offered for all ages:
- CHILDREN – Trained teachers teach Fun classes for all children (PreK through elementary school). See the Children’s Ministry page for more information.
- YOUTH – Middle and high school students dig deeper into the Bible and questions of faith on Sunday mornings with a dedicated lay leader.
- ADULT – Classes are free and taught by gifted leaders and teachers for adults, beginners, and women.
Adult Classes Sunday school classes are offered to teach basic Christian principles and practices about God, the Bible, Christian character (ethics), the nature and work of the Church, and worship, especially for children, teenagers, and adults. The Ministry of Christian Education administers the educational institution. Discover more about Sunday School at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunday_school.
We are pleased to announce some new (fifteen-week) Sunday School classes beginning September 10. Classes start at 9:15 am and end at 10:00 am (or whenever the teacher is finished!) We hope you will join us during the Sunday School hour for one of these great options.
SNACK & CHAT COFFEE HOUR – Then please join us from 10:00 am-10:25 am in Fellowship Hall for refreshments and fellowship before heading to worship service.
- BOOK OF JAMES – Rexanne will lead a study in the Book of James. This class will be in the upstairs adult SS room.
- HARMONIZING FAITH – Matt will lead a class titled “Harmonizing Faith: The Stories Behind Our Hymns.” You will embark on an exploration of our cherished hymns. You will explore the rich cultural and historical contexts that gave birth to these spiritual songs and become acquainted with the inspiring figures who penned them and the remarkable narratives behind their compositions. This class will be in Holmer Hall (first floor parlor).
- THE CHOSEN – A class will begin watching the mini-series, “The Chosen,” downstairs in the youth room. If you missed it the first time it was shown, please feel free to join them.
- NEW LIFE IN CHRIST (starts October 1) – Pastor Ivan+ will teach a twelve (12) week class for persons who are spiritually curious, interested in knowing more about Jesus Christ, the church, and Jesus’ Way of Love. New believers and the newly baptized are encouraged to attend. Classes held on Sundays at 9:15 am in West Side Baptist Church, 1008 SW 4th St., Topeka, Kansas 66606. SIGN UP!
*Child care is lovingly provided for participants and their families. Call the Church Office to coordinate childcare needs. **All food is available for free.