The Rev. Dr. Ivan E. Greuter is an active volunteer in God’s global mission
Ivan serves as the Vice President of the International Ministries ( Board of Directors. He actively works cross-culturally to invite people to become disciples of Jesus Christ and to proclaim, through both word and deed, God’s reign of justice, peace and abundant life for all creation.
2024 Short-Term Mission Trip
Ivan accepted God’s invitation to return to Liberia, Africa, for a three-week mission work trip to share Jesus’ love in January 2024. He will teach two classes this year:
- BBST 631 – Pauline Epistles and Theology
- MISS 631 – Biblical Theology of Mission
Partner with Ivan in prayer and financial support!
Daniel is a passionate follower of Jesus in Liberia. He carries cases of Bibles for miles into the rural areas of Liberia so every person can read God’s Word.
Each Bible costs $6 US to print and distribute. A million Bibles are needed to reach the nation. Donate so every tribe and family can receive a Bible – African Bible Project!

EDUCATOR EXPERIENCE: Dr. Greuter has taught Bible, Missiology, Religion, and Theology courses at the Liberia Baptist Theological Seminary in Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa, such as the following:
- BBST 631 PAULINE EPISTLES AND THEOLOGY – The general aim of this course is to introduce you to major issues and developments in Pauline studies. This will also orientate you toward understanding its connection with theological issues in other courses in Christian Theology such as the Old Testament and Systematic Theology
- MISS 631 BIBLICAL THEOLOGY OF MISSION – The Theology of Missions is examined from the perspectives of biblical foundations, historical development, contemporary discussions, and future directions. Special attention is given to major missiological motifs, the impact of significant missiological movements, and the interaction between theology and missiology.
- NTTT 101 – NEW TESTAMENT THEOLOGY – Prepared research and course materials, assignments, discussions, and handouts; delivered challenging and culturally appropriate thought-provoking presentations to undergraduate and graduate students to discuss topics such as God, Jesus Christ, Revelation, the Bible, Pneumatology, New Testament Theology, religion, spirituality, biblical research, doctrines, etc.; evaluated classwork, assignments, and papers; compiled and graded examinations; planned, evaluated, and revised curricula, course content and materials, and instruction methodologies.
PREVIOUS SHORT-TERM MISSION WORK – Ivan has led short-term mission trips to Campamento Bautista en Ochomogo, Costa Rica; a senior high trip to Campamento Bautista en Baja California, Mexico; and other trips. He works cross-culturally to teach the Holy Bible, Christian Theology, and Missiology to students of all ages while improving the quality of life for the people and neighbors in Jesus Christ’s name.
A Sustainable Agricultural Farm Project for Food and Income: $8,000.000 GOAL REACHED

In January 2023, Pastor Ivan and his daughter accepted God’s invitation to teach English and New Testament Theology at the Liberia Baptist Theological Seminary (LBTS) in Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa. It was a life-changing experience as God revealed a great need in the capital city: A Sustainable Agricultural Farming Project to provide basic food for student, faculty, staff and their families.
Ivan and Jessa learned first-hand from staff and students about the shortage of nutritious food in Liberia. Students missed class because of malnutrition caused by decades of civil strife, economic uncertainty, and loss of communal learning. The 100+ students, staff, and families need a self-sustaining way of raising food in an impoverished area of Monrovia, Liberia.
The Lord revealed a plan to help! A Sustainable Agricultural Farming Project.
“I want to help my Christian brothers and sisters learn to feed themselves with God’s help!”
Levi Freeman, Director of Agriculture
Ivan met Levi Freeman, Director of Agriculture at LBTS. Levi shared his vision of increasing the pig breeding program and adding a sustainable poultry project to provide food and income for the community.
Funds helped purchase healthy stocks of pigs and poultry for breeding, purchase and build sound barns and animal-friendly pens, train agricultural workers, and provide much-needed feed. The combined project goal is $8,000.00 USA by December 2023.

BY the GRACE of GOD – The Liberians have built a Piggery and Poultry Farm with the help of the ABCCR NE Area. Your donation of $8,000+ planted the seeds for a booming business! The Liberians were able to accomplish the following with your generosity and their ingenuity:
- Buy 500 Laying Hens and 500 Meat Chickens
- Breed 10 Hogs to 58 Hogs in one year
- Built a 150’ Hen House and Triple the size of their existing Hog House
- Plant and grow two acres of Cassava plants, sweet potatoes, mellows and other delicious vegetables
- Hire student workers in animal husbandry, like Emmanuel “Ezoga” Menker Bauhn
The LORD has blessed the Piggery and Poultry Farm Project beyond imagination! Today, the Seminary Farm is able to accomplish the following with excellent management, skillful laborers, and the sale of extra chickens, eggs, and hogs:
- Feeding Students and Staff Two Meals per Day
- Producing their own animal feed by purchasing a Grain and Feed Mill
- Pressing fresh Palm Oil Press (100 gallons a week) by purchasing a Palm Oil Press
- Feeding area Pastors, Neighbors and the Baptist Association

West Side Baptist Church is a registered 501(c)3 Not-for-Profit Religious Charitable Corporation (USA Federal ID Number 48-0612483). Donations may be tax-deductible as permitted by law.
Copyright (C) 2024 West Side Baptist Church, 1008 S.W. 4th Street, Topeka, KS 66606.
Phone (785) 233-4241
Updated: November 12, 2025