I’M NEW: We’re Glad You’re Here! Welcome! Välkommen!

Don’t worry! We’re FRIENDLY and its EASY TO MAKE FRIENDS HERE.
“Church” is a simple word that means “assembly or gathering.” We are a gathering of Jesus followers who love God and love people – no matter your background, where you’re from, where you live, or what you believe; YOU CAN BELONG HERE. We look forward to meeting you!
We’re a small church with a BIG heart. We gave singles, blended families, multi-cultural households, and a BIG heart because God LOVES people… and we love them too! Jesus is building His church – here in Topeka – with fully-devoted followers who show love in practical, hands-on ways. We invite you to be our guest! See what God is doing in, through, with, and for us! We would love for you to join us!
What TIME are Your Services?
Worship starts each Sunday at 10:30 am in the Sanctuary (auditorium).
We’re kid friendly and family focused! We have special services on Easter Sunday at sunrise in Old Prairie Town at the Ward Meade Botanical Gardens.
Where Are You Located?
We’re on the corner of 4th and Fillmore Streets in the Ward-Meade neighborhood of Topeka, Kansas.
We’ve been serving the Ward-Meade Neighborhood in the central north neighborhood of the Capital City for over 100 years. The address: is 1008 SW 4th St., Topeka, Kansas 66606. We’re at the corner of 4th Street and Fillmore Avenue.
PARKING: There is plenty of parking off of FOURTH and CLAY Streets. Handicapped parking is close to the door on the NORTH side of the church. You can also park on the street along Fillmore, 4th., and Clay.
How Do I Dress?
Comfortable Clothes!
We want you to be YOU, so wear clothes that are comfortable for you – casual, business attire, western, or professional. We’re more interested in who you are and who Jesus wants you to be than what you wear. That being said, please wear clothes!
Where Do I Go? Most members and guests enter the North Door. You can also enter the church from the front (upstairs).
Where Do My Kids Go? Jesus loves Kids…and so do we! Kids come to the Sanctuary (auditorium) first and then go to the children’s church halfway through the service. We think it is important to worship together as a family before kids head to a class to learn at their level. We have Activity Bags for each child full of coloring pages, crayons, pencils, puzzles, games, etc. Professionally trained child-care workers lovingly provide nursery care. All of our volunteers are screened with a background check – keeping kids safe is the #1 priority! There is a diaper changing station on the first floor in the Family / Handicapped restroom.
What’s a Typical Sunday Service Like? We worship in a blended style – ancient and modern! The music is a mixture of contemporary Christian songs led by our band with traditional hymns played on piano and organ. There are times of quiet reflection, private and group prayer, scripture readings (always a Gospel), testimonies, singing, special music, and more. The sermon is a bible-centered (exegetical explanation), relevant message – inspired by God – with practical life skills focused on a scripture text each week (20 minutes). We celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month – the table is open to any baptized Christians regardless of faith, affiliation, denomination, or decree.
What do you Believe? We’re a Jesus-loving, Bible-believing, world-changing church! Find more information at https://wsbctopeka.org/new/what-we-believe.
What’s My Next Step? Come worship with us in person on Sunday at 10:30 am, on Wednesdays at 5:30 pm, or contact the Church Office:

Come Join Us….We’re Better Together!
West Side Baptist Church is a registered 501(c)3 Not-for-Profit Religious Charitable Corporation (USA Federal ID Number 48-0612483). Donations may be tax-deductible as permitted by law.
Copyright (C) 2024 West Side Baptist Church, 1008 S.W. 4th Street, Topeka, KS 66606.
Phone (785) 233-4241
Updated: November 12, 2025