What is the most important thing to do in life?
The answer is simple:
Jesus said, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.
And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:36-40)
SIMPLE! We do what Jesus said in Matthew 25:35-36
Jesus Christ said: “for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me…“Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me”
Jesus the Messiah (Christ), Matthew 25:35-36
Our mission is simple, too: We Love God when We Help Other people!

West Side Baptist Church loves our neighbors by sharing:
- Food with the Hungry – Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Food Pantry
- Water with the Thirsty – City of Topeka Water Utility Bill Assistance
- Housing for the Stranger – Rental and Emergency Housing
- Clothing for the Naked – Baby Closet, Kids Closet at Westside Christian Church, and Adult Clothing at Doorstep, Inc
- Medical Care for the Sick – Local hospitals, GraceMed Capitol Family Clinic, and prescription copay assistance
- Visitation for the Incarcerated and Institutionalized

GREATER KANSAS FAMILIES – Persons and families OUTSIDE of the Topeka / Shawnee County area should contact their local ministerial alliance, house of worship, or community assistance network. The Church cannot provide transportation assistance (including gas) for nonresidents or persons/families traveling through the area.
NEIGHBORING STATES – The church welcomes people of all nations, states, tribes, and languages. We partner with agencies, shelters, churches, and ecumenical partnerships to assist families in neighboring states (Arkansas, Colorado, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas, and more). Persons and families OUTSIDE of the State of Kansas should contact their local ministerial alliance, house of worship, or community assistance network. The Church cannot provide transportation assistance (including gas) for nonresidents or persons/families traveling through the area.
WARD-MEADE NEIGHBORS – Persons and families living in the historic north-central Ward Meade Neighborhood of Topeka, Kansas, should contact the Church Office at (785) 233-4241 to schedule an appointment to complete an Application for Assistance in person. The Church shares limited funds per request as donations are available. The Church promises no assistance or support without prior approval of the Benevolence Committee. No cash will be paid to any person(s). The Church does not discriminate but complies with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and all other federal, state, and local laws. A check will be mailed or paid directly to the agency, company, and/or landlord in approximately ten (10) business days. No assistance or applications are accepted over the phone. Donate to the Benevolence Fund at https://west-side-baptist-church.square.site.

DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION POLICY – The Church respect and honors all people, regardless of age, color, creed, ethnicity, gender expression, marital status, military obligations, national origin (ancestry), physical appearance (height, weight, etc.), physical or mental ability (handicap), race, religion (or no religious beliefs), sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status. The Church does not discriminate in the distribution of goods and social services. If you have experienced discrimination, speak with a program supervisor or call the Minister at (785) 233-4241.
Updated: January 3, 2024