Our Ordained Minister

M.A. (Th.), M.Div. & D.Min.
The Reverend Doctor Ivan E. Greuter, Senior Minister – A native of Nebraska, Ivan grew up on the Great Plains, where he received his call to the ministry at an early age. After graduating high school, he earned a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology degree from Ottawa University. He immediately enrolled in the Master of Arts in Philosophical Theology degree and a Master of Divinity in Pastoral Care and Counseling degree as a presidential scholar at Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, Lombard, Illinois, before being ordained in 1999.
Ivan faithfully ministered to Baptist churches in Wood River and Quincy, Illinois, before joining the staff at West Side Baptist Church, Topeka, Kansas, in 2016. He has been a leader in the global mission movement, ecumenical cooperation, local ministerial associations, and regional and national denominational work (the ABCUSA General Board, the American Baptist Home Mission Societies (ABHMS) Board of Directors, the American Baptist Office of the General Secretary’s Mission, Vision, and Planning Team, the American Baptist World Relief Committee), and currently, the Vice President of the Board of International Ministries (the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society).
Ivan is an advocate for theological teaching, hands-on service projects, and short-term mission trips. He has facilitated trips to the Muskogee (Creek) Indian nation in Oklahoma and international trips to Campamento Bautista in Baja California, Mexico; the Campamento Bautista at the Federation of Baptist Associations of Costa Rica (Federación de Asociaciones Bautistas de Costa Rica or FABCR), and the Liberia Baptist Theological Seminary, Monrovia, Liberia, Africa.
Ivan is an Adjunct Professor for Biblical Theology and Mission at the Liberia Baptist Theological Seminary. He regularly teaches and researches in the area of Biblical History, Theology, Ethics, Church History, Liturgy and Worship, Missiology, and Spirituality. He loves to using his gift as an educator in churches, colleges and universities to teach Perspectives on the World Christian Movement, ethics, philosophy, religion, theology, spirituality, and major world religions.
In 2014, Ivan graduated with a Doctor of Ministry degree from the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary, Iowa. His dissertation was: “Searching For God When You Have Lost Your Dogma: The Promise of New Life for an American Baptist Congregation by Increasing Passionate Spirituality through Devotional Consideration of the Doctrine of the Trinity and Natural Church Development.” He enjoyed post-doctoral studies in European Religious History at Christ Church, Oxford University, UK.
In his spare time, he enjoys cooking, fly fishing, gardening, traveling, watching wild birds, and spending quality time with his family and friends. His life-long goal is to be a faithful follower of Jesus Christ and an excellent husband and father.
Rexanne and Ivan live in Topeka, Kansas, with their three adult children and extended family.

Our Program and Support Staff

Music Director – Matt