“Seven Revelations of Jesus in the Old Testament”

This Eastertide, the fifty days between Easter and Pentecost, we will focus on the Old Testament texts that prepared the people of God for the coming of the Son of God. Join us for a sermon series on the “Seven Revelations of Jesus in the Old Testament” starting Sunday, April 7 at 10:30 am. We will see the evidence of God’s grand story of Jesus Christ’s life, suffering, sacrificial death, and resurrection from beginning to end! I pray you will be able to join us on Sunday mornings!
Eastertide blessings,
Pastor Ivan+

READ Trent Hunter and Stephen Wellum’s book, Christ from Beginning to End, Zondervan. It explains how the full story of Scripture reveals the full glory of Christ. This post barely scratches the surface of the book, which in 270 pages examines where Jesus is found in the Old and New Testaments. This book will help you detect the grand story within the entire Bible. Buy on Christianbooks.com, Amazon.com, or at Mardel Christian bookstore in Topeka.